Decision Quality (DQ) has focused exclusively on clarifying and achieving our purpose while treating the heart solely as a source of biases that need to be circumvented. We build on the good work of DQ by according equal importance to both the head and the heart, or purpose and meaning, and offering an updated framework that integrates the two dimensions. This course draws from a Stanford University lecture given by the instructors and has been designed for those who are familiar with essential DQ elements as well as those who have never engaged with DQ. Through engaging story-telling, it offers an introduction to the purpose (head) and meaning (heart) dimensions of decision-making in a reflective manner and engages participants on how they might apply it in their work.
Your Instructor
David Matheson is the CEO of SmartOrg, a company that focuses on aligning finance and innovation. He received his PhD in Decision Analysis (focused on Framing) from Stanford University in 1990. His dissertation was titled "When should you reexamine your frame?". He is the author of the book, The Smart Organization.
Somik Raha is the Head of Product Development at SmartOrg. He received his PhD in Decision Analysis (focused on Values) from Stanford University in 2010. His dissertation research was titled "Achieving Clarity on Value," and is the inspiration behind his work on integrating purpose and meaning in decision-making.
Course Curriculum
StartIntroduction from Prof. Ronald Howard (2:04)
StartIntroduction from the Instructors (2:11)
StartDecisions vs Outcomes (2:12)
StartThe Sunk Cost Principle (3:31)
StartThe Decision Quality Framework (0:47)
StartFraming (8:03)
StartAlternatives (10:57)
StartInformation (14:12)
StartValues (11:32)
StartIntegration (9:25)
StartCommitment (6:17)
StartCase Study (6:36)
StartDecision Quality Spectrum (4:45)
StartQ&A (6:56)
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